Genealogy site didn't know it was used to seek serial killer

A genealogy website that investigators used to find the former police officer they believe was one of California's most terrifying serial killers had no idea its services were being used to pursue a suspect who eluded law ...

A new approach to detecting changes in GM foods

Does genetic manipulation causes unintended changes in food quality and composition? Are genetically modified (GM) foods less nutritious than their non-GM counterparts, or different in unknown ways?

Chromosome 'anchors' organize DNA during cell division

For humans to grow and to replace and heal damaged tissues, the body's cells must continually reproduce, a process known as "cell division," by which one cell becomes two, two become four, and so on. A key question of biomedical ...

New culturing tool reveals a full genome from single cells

( —A new technique for genetic analysis, "gel microdroplets," helps scientists generate complete genomes from a single cell, thus opening the door to understanding the complex interrelationships of bacteria, viruses ...

Identifying and tracking fruit flies with fluorescence

(—FBI, a camera system to recognzie the genetic identity of fruit flies and track their movements will revolutionize the study of their behavior. An article on this advance is being published today in PLOS ONE.

Evil gene would make punishment a tricky business

Are there evil genes or is it only people who can be evil? A recent story in The Age ("Deep Divide of 'Evil Genes'") raised the question of whether criminals might evade responsibility for their crimes by blaming their genes.

How onions recognize when to bulb

New research from New Zealand will help to breed new onions tailored to grow in specific conditions.

Record-breaking DNA comparisons drive fast forensics

Forensic investigators arrive at the scene of a crime to search for clues. There are no known suspects, and every second that passes means more time for the trail to run cold. A DNA sample is discovered, collected, and then ...

Aging human bodies and aging human oocytes run on different clocks

Reproductive and somatic aging use different molecular mechanisms that show little overlap between the types of genes required to keep oocytes healthy and the genes that generally extend life span, according to Coleen Murphy, ...

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