Ethylene of no effect: Why peppers do not mature after picking

( -- The plant hormone ethylene lets green tomatoes ripen even after the harvest, whereas the closely related chili peppers show no such effect. Researchers from the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology ...

Aging human bodies and aging human oocytes run on different clocks

Reproductive and somatic aging use different molecular mechanisms that show little overlap between the types of genes required to keep oocytes healthy and the genes that generally extend life span, according to Coleen Murphy, ...

Biologists learn how plants synthesize their growth hormone auxin

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have succeeded in unraveling, for the first time, the complete chain of biochemical reactions that controls the synthesis of auxin, the hormone that regulates nearly all ...

New hope in fight against Huntington's disease

Hope for new ways of treating devastating neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease has been raised by a trans-Atlantic team of researchers thanks to the use of cutting-edge genetic techniques.

UNL biochemist probes protein for disease clues

( -- Scientists believe they have discovered a common link between such disparate diseases as Parkinson's disease and some types of cancer. Studying these links could lead to advances in combating these and other ...

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