Enzymes allow DNA to swap information with exotic molecules

(Phys.org) —The discovery of the Rosetta Stone resolved a longstanding puzzle, permitting the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs into Ancient Greek. John Chaput, a researcher at Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute ...

Dead seals serve conservation boost

Scientists have used genetic testing on animals that died of natural causes for the first time, potentially boosting efforts to save endangered species.

'Activating' RNA takes DNA on a loop through time and space

Long segments of RNA—encoded in our DNA but not translated into protein—are key to physically manipulating DNA in order to activate certain genes, say researchers at The Wistar Institute. These non-coding RNA-activators ...

Programming cells: The importance of the envelope

In a project that began with the retinal cells of nocturnal animals and has led to fundamental insights into the organization of genomic DNA, researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich show how the nuclear ...

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