How genes are permanently silenced by small RNAs

Marc Bühler and his team at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) have elucidated the mechanism underlying small RNA-mediated gene silencing, thus solving a mystery which has been puzzling the research ...

DNA 'cage' could improve nanopore technology

Despite having a diameter tens of thousands of times smaller than a human hair, nanopores could be the next big thing in DNA sequencing. By zipping DNA molecules through these tiny holes, scientists hope to one day read off ...

Insights into the geometry of genetic coding

When proteins are produced in cells based on the "genetic code" of codons, there is a precise process under which molecules called transfer RNA (tRNA) bind to specific amino acids and then transport them to cellular factories ...

Researchers explain mechanism that helps viruses spread

In an article published in the scientific journal Nature, a University of Colorado School of Medicine researcher and colleagues explain how RNA molecules found in certain viruses mimic the shape of other molecules as part ...

DNA double helix measurements

Researchers at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) have determined the structure of DNA from measurements on a single molecule using atomic force microscopy (AFM), and found ...

Rapid and accurate mRNA detection in plant tissues

Gene expression is the process whereby the genetic information of DNA is used to manufacture functional products, such as proteins, which have numerous different functions in living organisms. Messenger RNA (mRNA) serves ...

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