Some sperms poison their competitors

Competition among sperm cells is fierce—they all want to reach the egg cell first to fertilize it. A research team from Berlin now shows in mice that the ability of sperm to move progressively depends on the protein RAC1. ...

At three days old, newborn mice remember their moms

For mice, the earliest social memories can form at three days old and last into adulthood, scientists report on January 26 in the journal Cell Reports. They show that mouse pups prefer their mothers to unfamiliar mouse mothers ...

Bats can use 'vocal learning' to change their tune

Humans learn to speak by mimicking speech sounds. Are there other mammals who can learn sounds by imitation? In an experimental study, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen and the Ludwig ...

OsFIT and OsIRO2 interact to regulate iron homeostasis in rice

Iron (Fe) is necessary for plant growth and development because it is involved in many physiological and biochemical reactions. Fe deficiency can cause serious agricultural problems. It is well known that Fer‐like Fe deficiency‐induced ...

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