Homing in on the mosquito

(Phys.org) —In the battle against the mosquitoes that carry deadly human diseases scientists are recruiting a new ally: a genetic enemy within the mosquito's DNA.

Long-lived mice are less active

Female mice with a high life expectancy are less active and less explorative. They also eat less than their fellow females with a lower life expectancy. Behavioral biologists from the University of Zurich reveal that there ...

What the smallest infectious agents reveal about evolution

Radically different viruses share genes and are likely to share ancestry, according to research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Virology Journal this week. The comprehensive phylogenomic analysis compares ...

Flies with personality

(Phys.org) —Fruit flies may have more individuality and personality than we imagine.

Life's first taste of phosphorus

Despite its impressive biological resume, phosphorus is relatively inaccessible as elements go. To understand how phosphorus obtained its prominent role, scientists are modeling the early geochemical environment on Earth ...

Mobile MITEs jump to fame in gene regulation

Moving genetic elements from one location to another in a genome makes for a very dynamic situation in terms of development and disease. An EU project has investigated a special type of micro transposable element and its ...

Draft sequence of monarch butterfly genome presented

Each fall millions of monarch butterflies from across the eastern United States use a time-compensated sun compass to direct their navigation south, traveling up to 2,000 miles to an overwintering site in a specific grove ...

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