'Viking disease' hand disorder may come from Neanderthal genes

A new paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution shows that a condition known as Dupuytren's disease is partly of Neanderthal origin. Researchers have long known that the disease was much more common in Northern Europeans than ...

Researchers identify genetic makeup of new strains of West Nile

Researchers at Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) located in UConn's College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources identified the genetic makeup of strains of West Nile virus found in an alpaca ...

A multiomics approach provides insights into flu severity

Have you ever wondered why some people might get sicker than others, even when they catch the same virus? It is not yet clear why this is. Viral factors (such as differences in the strain of a virus) play a role in this variability, ...

How rainforest fish adapt to local conditions

The future of freshwater fish species in Australia's tropical rainforest areas, including the Daintree and Mosman Gorge, will increasingly be subject to the vagaries of climatic and other changes.

The benefit of redundancy in biological systems

When viewed from an engineer's perspective, biology is often messy and imperfect. For example, redundancy is a common feature of biological systems, with the job of one biological component overlapping with that of another.

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