The redpoll finch saga: How two bird species just became one

This week, birders around the world lost one beloved feathered creature from their birding life list. Fortunately, no species went extinct. Instead, this change resolved a long-held misunderstanding about the redpoll finch.

Soybean seed hardness demystified: Key genes and networks uncovered

Vegetable soybeans are valued for their taste and nutritional benefits, but consumer preferences for seed hardness vary across regions. Chinese consumers prefer softer seeds, while African consumers favor moderately hard ...

Melon flavor decoded: The genetic keys to aromatic diversity

Melon aroma greatly influences consumer preference and fruit quality. Climacteric melons produce more esters, while non-climacteric melons have more aldehydes. Understanding these genetic differences is crucial for breeding ...

Model predicts future spread of box tree moth in North America

CABI scientists have led research with collaborations from the University of Toronto and University of Guelph, both in Canada, to update a model which predicts the future spread of the box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) ...

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