Related topics: genes

Lipid expansion microscopy uses 'power of click chemistry'

Lipids—fats—make great walls for cells and organelles because they are water resistant and dynamic. But those same characteristics also make them hard to image using expansion microscopy, a technique that works for magnifying ...

The Anglo-Saxon migration: New insights from genetics

Almost 300 years after the Romans left, scholars like Bede wrote about the Angles and the Saxons and their migrations to the British Isles. Scholars of many disciplines, including archaeology, history, linguists and genetics, ...

Virus discovery offers clues about origins of complex life

The first discovery of viruses infecting a group of microbes that may include the ancestors of all complex life has been found, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin report in Nature Microbiology. The discovery ...

The epigenetics of life at 12,000 feet

Humans inhabit an incredible range of environments across the globe, from arid deserts to frozen tundra, tropical rainforests, and some of the highest peaks on Earth. Indigenous populations that have lived in these extreme ...

New insights into genetic basis of bird migration

A gene newly associated with the migratory patterns of golden-winged and blue-winged warblers could lend insight into the longstanding question of how birds migrate across such long distances.

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