Magnet-free chiral nanowires for spintronic devices

Researchers from the Basque Nanoscience Research Center CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with POLYMAT (San Sebastian, Spain), the Institute of Physics of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg ...

Direct generation of complex structured light

Extension of laser beam structures promises new laser applications. Exploration of how beam structures change during nonlinear frequency conversion processes has drawn increasing interest in recent years. Nonlinear conversion ...

Three decades ago world told to 'act now' on climate

With the planet facing the "potentially serious consequences" of global warming, UN experts writing 32 years ago urged an indifferent world to take immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Muslim gender values are more diverse than often thought

Muslims' gender values are not nearly as uniform as is often suggested. Islamic religiosity and time spent in Europe shape views on gender, but shape different gendered issues in varying ways, according to a study by Saskia ...

New approach enables faster characterization of CRISPR immune systems

For many diseases, the tools of medicine are reaching their limits. CRISPR technologies open new avenues for diagnostics and therapies, although the natural source of CRISPR remains largely untapped. Scientists from the Helmholtz ...

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