New loo turns poo into power

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have invented a new toilet system that will turn human waste into electricity and fertilisers and also reduce the amount of water needed for flushing by up to 90 per ...

The big emitters: the United States

The United States, the world's second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has pledged to halve its emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels—but so far is failing to stay on target, analysts say.

Policy issues plague hydropower as wind power backup

Theoretically, hydropower can step in when wind turbines go still, but barriers to this non-polluting resource serving as a backup are largely policy- and regulation-based, according to Penn State researchers.

Microgrids: So much more than backup energy

(—Most Americans don't have to think much about energy reliability. We plug in a computer and it powers up; we flip a switch and the lights come on.

Energy transition project moves into its second phase

Siemens is studying new concepts for optimizing the cost-effectiveness and technical performance of energy systems with distributed and fluctuating electricity production. The associated IRENE research project is now being ...

Crucial role of electrical engineers in addressing climate change

How he found a way to work toward a clean energy future, as an electrical engineer, is precisely the insight that MIT professor Rajeev Ram shared with undergraduates, faculty, and graduate students who attended his Feb. 25 ...

Magnet-free chiral nanowires for spintronic devices

Researchers from the Basque Nanoscience Research Center CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with POLYMAT (San Sebastian, Spain), the Institute of Physics of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg ...

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