Power grids need a paradigm change, say engineers

Power grids have to meet ever higher requirements, therefore we should radically reconsider the way they work. TU Wien presents "LINK", a completely new approach.

Japanese PM pledges 10 mn solar-powered homes

Japan will have ten million solar-powered homes, Prime Minister Naoto Kan pledged Wednesday, as the country makes a major push in coming years towards renewable energy following its nuclear crisis.

Harvesting unused energy with flat thermoelectrics

A large proportion of the energy we produce disappears unused into thin air via waste heat. Tiny thermoelectric generators can tap this potential, whereby the electricity is produced by way of temperature differences. However, ...

Replacing coal with natural gas would reduce warming: study

A debate has raged in the past couple of years as to whether natural gas is better or worse overall than coal and oil from a global warming perspective. The back- and-forth findings have been due to the timelines taken into ...

Projected U.S. water use likely to increase as climate warms

Despite increases in efficiency, water demand in the United States is likely to increase substantially in the future if climate continues to warm, new projections indicate. Brown et al. project future water use to 2090 based ...

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