Related topics: black holes

A new theory of quantum subsystems

When studying a complex system, scientists identify smaller pieces called subsystems that they can make sense of. By studying subsystems and the correlations between them, they reconstruct an understanding of the whole.

Black holes do not exist as we thought they did

On January 24, the journal Nature published an article entitled "There are no black holes." It doesn't take much to spark controversy in the world of physics... But what does this really mean? In a brief article published ...

First black hole photo confirms Einstein's theory of relativity

Black holes are long-time superstars of science fiction. But their Hollywood fame is a little strange given that no-one has ever actually seen one – at least, until now. If you needed to see to believe, then thank the Event ...

Clocking the rotation rate of a supermassive black hole

A recent observational campaign involving more than two dozen optical telescopes and NASA's space based SWIFT X-ray telescope allowed a team of astronomers to measure very accurately the rotational rate of one of the most ...

Wormholes help resolve black hole information paradox

A RIKEN physicist and two colleagues have found that a wormhole—a bridge connecting distant regions of the Universe—helps to shed light on the mystery of what happens to information about matter consumed by black holes.

AI reveals unsuspected math underlying search for exoplanets

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms trained on real astronomical observations now outperform astronomers in sifting through massive amounts of data to find new exploding stars, identify new types of galaxies and detect ...

How to think about a four-dimensional universe

In Einstein's famous theory of relativity the concepts of immutable space and time aren't just put aside, they're explicitly and emphatically rejected. Space and time are now woven into a coexisting fabric. That is to say, ...

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