Einstein's theory applied to superconducting circuits

In recent years, UC Santa Barbara scientists showed that they could reproduce a basic superconductor using Einstein's general theory of relativity. Now, using the same theory, they have demonstrated that the Josephson junction ...

What is dark energy? Inside our accelerating, expanding universe

Some 13.8 billion years ago, the universe began with a rapid expansion we call the Big Bang. After this initial expansion, which lasted a fraction of a second, gravity started to slow the universe down. But the cosmos wouldn't ...

Will we have to rewrite Einstein's theory of general relativity?

Einstein famously laboured hard to create the theory of general relativity, but it is less well known that he also helped to launch quantum mechanics, which he didn't much care for. These two views of the world are the very ...

Synthetic black holes radiate like real ones

Research led by the University of Amsterdam has demonstrated that elusive radiation coming from black holes can be studied by mimicking it in the lab.

New experiments set to detect gravitational waves

(Phys.org) —Over the next five years, Mansi Kasliwal writes in an astrophysics perspective in the journal Science, researchers will begin setting up experiments designed to detect gravitational waves. Kasliwal, an astronomer ...

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