Great apes, small numbers

Sumatran orangutans have undergone a substantial recent population decline, according to a new genetic study, but the same research revealed the existence of critical corridors for dispersal migrations that, if protected, ...

More carbon dioxide in the air could threaten rice crops

The increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere--linked to human-caused global warming--may have another effect scientists hadn’t foreseen. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, ...

Solar power development in US Southwest could threaten wildlife

Government agencies are considering scores of applications to develop utility-scale solar power installations in the desert Southwest of the United States, but too little is known to judge their likely effects on wildlife, ...

Deep-reef coral hates the light, prefers the shade

Coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, second only to tropical rain forests. Bird's nest coral (Seriatopora hystrix) is common throughout the Indo-Pacific and is able to live across a range of depths. ...

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