New genes linked with bigger brains identified

A number of new links between families of genes and brain size have been identified by UK scientists, opening up a whole new avenue of research to better understand brain development and diseases like dementia.

Mysteries of bony fish genome evolution

As the 20th-century novelist Joseph Conrad famously wrote, "It's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I suppose," and Nature is very busy, so she makes lots of them. But as a genius, she can use them to advantage. ...

How yeast doubled its genome—by mating between species

The common baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is used to make bread, wine and beer, and is the laboratory workhorse for a substantial proportion of research into molecular and cell biology. It was also the first non-bacterial ...

Cichlid fish genome helps tell story of adaptive evolution

( —Roughly 40 million years ago, a handful of species of fish from the Nile River went into three lakes in Africa and experienced an unusual flurry of evolution. In one of these lakes as many as 500 new species ...

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