Exploiting cancer cells' weaknesses

When designing new cancer drugs, biologists often target specific gene mutations found only in cancer cells, or in a subset of cancer cells. A team of MIT biologists is now taking a slightly different approach, targeting ...

SFU seeds discovery of mutant gene in chromosomes

Simon Fraser University molecular biologists have discovered a gene whose job is to ensure that chromosomes are correctly distributed during the formation of eggs and sperm in mammals, including humans.

Geneticists shed light on flowering plants

A team of researchers from Warwick have isolated a gene responsible for regulating the expression of CONSTANS, an important inducer of flowering, in Arabidopsis.

Gene family found to play key role in early stages of development

Scientists have identified a gene family that plays a key role in one of the earliest stages of development in which an embryo distinguishes its left side from the right and determines how organs should be positioned within ...

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