Words matter: How to reduce gender bias with word choice

In the workplace, even subtle differences in language choice can influence the perception of gender for better or worse. These choices fall into two main categories: minimizing the role of gender by using gender-neutral terms ...

Researchers reveal link between job titles and gender equality

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (MPI) have revealed a link between role nouns (e.g. job titles) in gendered languages and gender equality. The study, which examined whether the masculine form ...

Creating space within law for nonbinary genders

About half a million Americans, roughly the population of Miami, currently describe their gender as nonbinary—neither man nor woman—and our regulatory framework needs to do a better job of including them, says Jessica ...

Technology's double-bind for working women

Smartphones and other mobile devices amplify the patriarchal values that are part of our culture, according to new research by a Massey University expert in organizational communication and gender.

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