Redefining sexual discrimination

verbal and nonverbal behaviors that convey insulting, hostile and degrading attitudes to women - is just as distressing for women victims as sexual advances in the workplace. According to Emily Leskinen, Lilia Cortina, and ...

Women active in feminist causes harassed more at work

Working women who engage in feminist activism report more experiences of gender harassment on the job, regardless of whether or not they identify themselves as feminists, a new University of Michigan study indicates.

Men at the top play by different rules, expert says

Gary Powell, professor emeritus of business, is an internationally recognized scholar and educator on gender, diversity, and work-family issues in the workplace. He has also served as chair of the Women in Management (now ...

Scientists take action to prevent sexual harassment and bias

A diverse group of scientists gathered last December at the Banbury Center in Cold Spring Harbor, NY, to confront how institutions and funding agencies can prevent sexual harassment and gender bias in the STEM workforce.

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