Study reveals how fishing gear can cause slow death of whales

Using a "patient monitoring" device attached to a whale entangled in fishing gear, scientists showed for the first time how fishing lines changed a whale's diving and swimming behavior. The monitoring revealed how fishing ...

Microsoft touts Xbox One as all-in-one entertainment (Update 4)

Microsoft thinks it has the one. The company unveiled the Xbox One, an entertainment console that wants to be the one system households will need for games, television, movies and other entertainment. It will go on sale later ...

Expectations high for next Xbox

It's almost time for a new Xbox. Eight years have passed since Microsoft unveiled the Xbox 360, double the amount of time between the original Xbox debut in 2001 and its high-definition successor's launch in 2005. With the ...

Review: 'Blood Dragon' a blast of pure '80s mayhem

Video games came of age in the 1980s, a decade that was also the heyday of cheesy Hollywood action movies. Thirty years later, you don't have to look hard to see the influence of one medium on the other. The ultraviolent ...

From a devastating earthquake, a blueprint for recovery

In 2009, a massive earthquake struck L'Aquila, Italy, a town two hours north of Rome where generations of families have lived for thousands of years. The quake devastated the community so much that its citizens have not been ...

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