How advertising shapes the image of gayness in America

The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the presence of gays in American advertising. The media has transformed the stigmatized stereotype of gays into a new, socially desirable image of stylish consumers with high-end ...

Obama to hold Twitter town hall meeting

US President Barack Obama will hold a "Twitter town hall" meeting next week at the White House on jobs and the economy as he hones his message on the key 2012 election issue.

What's in a name? Plenty, if you're a lesbian or gay parent

( -- Visiting a park with their kids, it’s not uncommon for lesbian mothers to be asked by a stranger: “Which one of you is the real mom?” On a family outing, one gay dad is often taken to be the ...

Gay class tourism

New research at the University of Leicester is investigating a growing fascination with 'chav' culture among middle-class gay men in Britain.

Rutgers says male, female students can share room

(AP) -- New Jersey's flagship state university has decided to allow male and female students to share rooms in three dorms in an effort to make the Rutgers' New Brunswick campus more inclusive for gay students after a highly ...

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