Fear hackers? Sochi is little worse than elsewhere

How safe is Sochi for your electronics and personal data? The games, like nearly all international events, have sparked a series of online calls to arms, with various branches of the nebulous Anonymous movement pledging action ...

Study shows gay couples want legal rights, regardless of marriage

New research from North Carolina State University shows that gay and lesbian couples are forming long-term, committed relationships, even in the absence of the right to marry. However, couples surveyed for the study overwhelmingly ...

'Gayborhoods' still home to subtle discrimination

Despite claiming to support gay rights, many straight people who live in traditionally gay neighbourhoods still practice subtle forms of discrimination when interacting with their gay and lesbian neighbours.

When hate and terror collide

The attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday morning marked the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, with 49 people killed and at least 53 others injured. The gunman was reportedly homophobic and called 911 ...

Indonesia bans 'gay' emojis on messaging apps

In the latest crackdown on gay rights in Indonesia, the government has demanded all instant messaging apps remove same-sex emoticons or face a ban in the Muslim-majority country.

Indonesia warns messaging apps to drop same-sex emoticons

Human Rights Watch on Friday urged Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo to protect gay and lesbian rights, a day after his government told instant messaging apps to remove stickers featuring same-sex couples in the latest high-profile ...

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