Nintendo apologizes for lack of virtual equality

Nintendo is apologizing and pledging to be more inclusive after being criticized for not recognizing same-sex relationships in English editions of a life-simulator video game. The publisher said that while it was too late ...

America will never be gay and lesbian friendly, says researcher

The relationship between church, state and the international crisis facing welfare finance is the root cause of why some countries are friendlier to same-sex couples than others, according to a University of Manchester researcher.

Gay marriage ruling unlikely to cause anti-gay backlash

Concerns that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling favorable to gay marriage might produce a backlash that would impede efforts to achieve equality are unfounded, according to a study by researchers at University of California campuses ...

3Qs: How the gay marriage movement has evolved

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and California's gay marriage ban enacted by Proposition 8. Northeastern University news office asked ...

Survey: Support for gay marriage grows in Michigan

Support for gay marriage is growing in Michigan, mirroring changing attitudes in many parts of the United States, according to Michigan State University's State of the State Survey.

Core values unite Americans, despite divisions

Americans are united when it comes to many core values, according to a University of Michigan survey. But the nation is deeply divided about certain issues, including gay marriage, immigration, and universal healthcare.

New poll provides snapshot of New Yorkers' views

( -- New York state residents are concerned about the obesity epidemic -- but only 24 percent support a junk food tax, and 39 percent support banning TV ads for junk food.

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