Veggie juice that illuminates the gut

The pigment that gives spinach and other plants their verdant color may improve doctors' ability to examine the human gastrointestinal tract.

Engineers develop a pill for long-term drug release

Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women's Hospital have designed a new type of pill that, once swallowed, can attach to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and slowly release its contents. The tablet is engineered ...

Last meal reflects spiral-shaped intestine

A last meal provides new insights: The fossilized food remains of the extinct predatory fish Saurichthys reflect its spiral-shaped intestine. The spiral valve in fossils from Southern Switzerland is similar to that of sharks ...

Red deer make more out of less food during winter

During the winter season, northern-latitude herbivores must cope with a food supply that is both restricted and of poorer quality. The ability of red deer to handle these extreme situations was the focus of a study conducted ...

Digestible batteries needed to power electronic pills

Imagine a "smart pill" that can sense problems in your intestines and actively release the appropriate drugs. We have the biological understanding to create such a device, but we're still searching for electronic materials ...

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