Current biofuels policies are unethical, says UK report

Current UK and European policies on biofuels encourage unethical practices, says a report by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics today following an 18-month inquiry. Policies such as the European Renewable Energy Directive ...

New science approach to revolutionize welding

A multi-million pound engineering research project is using advanced thinking to revolutionise the welding industry - and offering the prospect of saving lives.

Why imported veg is still more sustainable than local meat

A former colleague who was a researcher and promoter of local food systems once argued that local meat markets connect children with reality. "If young people do not have a direct experience with food," he told me, "they ...

Can the energy tax in Germany lead to a yellow vest movement?

The CO2 tax extended by the German government to the transport sector in 2021 aims to reduce emissions of this climate-damaging gas. For motorists, it will have an impact in the form of rising fuel prices. If one remembers ...

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