How to neutralise your greenhouse gas footprint

With time running out for us to make deep reductions in greenhouse emissions, you may well be wondering what you personally can do to minimise your own greenhouse footprint.

What's driving the next generation of green products?

If you purchased a Toyota Prius, you may have been driven by the desire to conserve the environment or to save yourself some money at the gas pump. But consumers may also choose to buy sustainable products to make themselves ...

Researchers find geothermal heat pumps most feasible in Halifax

Researchers at the Université du Québec have recently conducted a survey of four Canadian cities to determine the economic feasibility of installing geothermal heating systems in homes in Montreal, Halifax, Vancouver and ...

Silver coating kills bacteria on campus door handles

Can a door handle keep you healthy? That depends on what's on it. Most are teeming with bacteria: staph, E. coli, Enterococcus and sometimes even Salmonella. That stuff can make you sick.

Mighty micropumps: Small but powerful vacuum pumps demonstrated

DARPA-funded researchers recently demonstrated the world's smallest vacuum pumps. This breakthrough technology may create new national security applications for electronics and sensors that require a vacuum: highly sensitive ...

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