'Agricomb' measures multiple gas emissions from... cows

After the optical frequency comb made its debut as a ruler for light, spinoffs followed, including the astrocomb to measure starlight and a radar-like comb system to detect natural gas leaks. And now, researchers have unveiled ...

Sensors driven by machine learning sniff-out gas leaks fast

A new study confirms the success of a natural-gas leak-detection tool pioneered by Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists that uses sensors and machine learning to locate leak points at oil and gas fields, promising new ...

COVID-19 policy could lead to a spike in methane emissions

A new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), published on March 31, shows that global methane emissions from the oil and gas sector increased by nearly four percent from 2018 to 2019. That trend could continue ...

US calls for rescinding rules on oil industry methane leaks

The Trump administration moved Thursday to revoke Obama-era regulations on climate-changing methane leaks from oil facilities, a proposal that environmental advocates said would renounce key federal legal authority to regulate ...

New technologies are gearing up to find fugitive methane leaks

A suite of new technologies may soon be patrolling for fugitive —invisible but harmful —natural gas leaks from the oil and gas sector. Our recent study suggests that drones, aircraft, trucks, fixed sensors and even ...

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