Related topics: planets · solar system · jupiter

Astronomers discover two new inflated 'hot Jupiters'

(—An international team of astronomers led by Joel Hartman of Princeton University has detected two new "hot Jupiter" exoplanets, less massive than our solar system's biggest planet, but with a radius larger than ...

Planet with triple-star system found

A team of researchers working at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has announced the finding of a triple-star system—one that also as has a stable orbit planet in it. In their paper published in The Astronomical ...

Investigating the mystery of migrating 'hot Jupiters'

The last decade has seen a bonanza of exoplanet discoveries. Nearly 2,000 exoplanets—planets outside our solar system—have been confirmed so far, and more than 5,000 candidate exoplanets have been identified. Many of ...

Gas giant planet discovered near the Milky Way's bulge

(—Using the gravitational microlensing technique, astronomers have recently detected what appears to be a Saturn-like planet residing near the Milky Way's bulge. The newly discovered exoplanet has a mass somewhere ...

Scientists predict that rocky planets formed from 'pebbles'

Using a new process in planetary formation modeling, where planets grow from tiny bodies called "pebbles," Southwest Research Institute scientists can explain why Mars is so much smaller than Earth. This same process also ...

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