GE introduces natural gas FlexEfficiency 60 turbine

(—General Electric has unveiled its new line of highly efficient natural gas burning turbines for use in generating electricity. The new turbines are able to rapidly increase or reduce their power output to meet ...

3-D battery structure shows new twist in battery design

( -- Battery life and driving range are two sticky phrases in discussions about why EVs have yet to hit mainstream use. Drivers still feel skittish about the idea of setting out on longer trips on batteries lasting ...

Gas hydrate strategy reinforced

Their critics weren't convinced the first time, but Rice University researchers didn't give up on the "ice that burns."

Normal air could halve fuel consumption

Every time a car brakes, energy is generated. At present this energy is not used, but new research shows that it is perfectly possible to save it for later use in the form of compressed air. It can then provide extra power ...

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