Related topics: natural gas · hydraulic fracturing

Oklahoma geology group links earthquakes to oil waste wells

The Oklahoma Geological Survey said Tuesday it is "very likely" that most of the state's recent earthquakes were triggered by the subsurface injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas drilling operations.

Obama floats offering first-ever drilling lease in Atlantic

The Obama administration floated a plan Tuesday that for the first time would open up a broad swath of the Atlantic Coast to drilling, even as it moved to restrict drilling indefinitely in environmentally-sensitive areas ...

Hopes, fears, doubts surround Cuba's oil future

One of the most prolific oil and gas basins on the planet sits just off Cuba's northwest coast, and the thaw in relations with the United States is giving rise to hopes that Cuba can now get in on the action.

Early tests don't find tainted water from oil boom

Government scientists say initial tests of shallow groundwater in the Northern Plains oil patch found no evidence of contamination from an energy boom that's already seen more than 8,500 wells drilled.

Book explains how data analysis can aid in oil, gas exploration

A massive amount of drilling data is archived at the Kansas Geological Survey on KU's west campus and at other institutions around the world. In a new book published by the Oxford University Press, KGS Senior Scientific Fellow ...

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