Related topics: hydraulic fracturing

UN climate chief warns on Kyoto Protocol deadline

Commitments by most developed countries to cut carbon emissions are likely to expire at the end of next year without a new round of legally binding pledges, the UN's climate chief warned Monday.

UN climate meeting OKs Green Fund in new accord

(AP) -- A U.N. conference on Saturday adopted a modest climate deal creating a fund to help the developing world go green, though it deferred for another year the tough work of carving out deeper reductions in carbon emissions ...

US, China move closer on key climate issue

(AP) -- Prospects for a limited deal at the latest climate talks appeared to brighten with the U.S. and China narrowing differences on a key element: how to monitor greenhouse gas emissions.

Negotiators debate new climate treaty in Bonn

(AP) -- Top negotiators at United Nations climate talks in Bonn have presented a new draft text to get closer to a possible deal to fight global warming.

Developing countries end boycott at climate talks

(AP) -- Poor countries ended a boycott of U.N. climate talks Monday after getting assurances that rich nations were not conspiring to soften their commitments to cutting greenhouse gases, European officials said.

EPA head: US must make up for lost time on climate

(AP) -- The top U.S. environmental official told a divided U.N. climate conference Wednesday that the Obama administration's moves to "make up for lost time" and cut greenhouse gases would complement congressional action ...

Does carbon labelling give developing countries a bad deal?

Carbon labelling could unfairly disadvantage economies in the developing world, and mislead consumers, according to an interdisciplinary project carried out by the UK Research Councils' Rural Economy and Land Use Programme. ...

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions up by 29 percent since 2000

The strongest evidence yet that the rise in atmospheric CO2 emissions continues to outstrip the ability of the world's natural 'sinks' to absorb carbon is published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience.

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