Stinky corpse flower blooms in Washington

A towering plant that smells like rotting meat and is native to the Indonesian rainforest is in full bloom in the US capital, drawing throngs of tourists, officials said Monday.

Gardens help refugees take root in the US

Bending over a garden blooming with zinnia, Nidda Haseeb Al Dafrawi breathes in the fragrant perfume of the flowers and closes her eyes.

Grazing slugs hinder grassland restoration

Selective grazing by slugs may prevent key grassland species from taking hold and hampers efforts to restore our hay meadows, new research has shown.

'Wwoofing' teaches urbanites countryside ways

Making the switch from urban life to rural bliss is not easy. Luckily for city slicker Nathalie, whose dream is to open a countryside bed and breakfast, her "wwoofing" experience on a French farm will give her the skills ...

Biology's drive toward engineering

Biology is on the verge of getting its versions of the lever, wheel and axle, pulley and other basic machines that enable engineers to build almost any mechanical device, a new analysis has concluded. The viewpoint article ...

Twitter garden wins Gold at Chelsea

Fresh garden Digital Capabilities responds to live Twitter activity, enabling the public to directly influence how the garden appears at any one time. Created by academics at the University of Lincoln, UK, and designers Harfleet ...

Lady bug, lady bug, eat up

( —Early morning raindrops, hanging on the leaves of Virginia Commonwealth University's Pollak Building's rooftop garden, acted as welcomed drinks of water for 1,500 lady bugs as they were introduced to their new ...

Designer eucalypts for urban landscapes

University of Adelaide researchers are working with the Australian nursery industry to produce 'designer eucalypts' more suitable for our home gardens and urban landscapes than many trees currently available.

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