Dutch bulb garden depicts Golden Age in flowers

Millions of bulbs have blossomed in a riot of colour from Delft blues to reds and porcelain whites, drawing huge crowds to an annual Dutch springtime rite at the renowned Keukenhof gardens.

Spreading seeds by human migration

Using DNA collected from corn grown by immigrant farmers in Los Angeles and Riverside, researchers at the University of California, Riverside have found the genetic diversity of corn in some home and community gardens in ...

Community gardens help people to grow stronger—together

New research from the University of Adelaide has highlighted the positive role of shared community gardens in city and suburban areas, helping residents to build community resilience and develop stronger social groups.

Pilbara soils indicate post-wildfire recovery timeline

Soils affected by wildfires undergo significant changes within one year after a fire with that same soil partially regenerating after around five years, according to a study examining how semi-arid soils recover from natural ...

Botanist discovers new ground-flowering plant in Panama

Rattlesnake, zebra and peacock plants have a new wild relative, discovered by Rodolfo Flores, Panamanian botanist and intern at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). Helen Kennedy, herbarium research associate ...

Global warming won't stop the 'green cancer' from spreading

With its enormous green and purple leaves, the South American miconia tree is invading botanic gardens all around the world on account of its beauty. This plant, however, is called the 'green cancer' for its ability to infest ...

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