China 'cracks down' on fake iPhones

Police in Shanghai have arrested five people for making fake iPhones, state media said on Friday, just as Apple fans overseas wait with bated breath for the launch of the US giant's newest model.

Use of Twitter, Facebook rising among gang members

(AP) -- When a gang member was released from jail soon after his arrest for selling methamphetamine, friends and associates assumed he had cut a deal with authorities and become a police informant.

ASU criminologists examine lives of 1950s-era gang members

Rick Moule arrives early to his office in the ASU University Center Building in downtown Phoenix. A doctoral student in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Moule sits in front of his computer and begins reading ...

Gangs don't protect against crime

Gang members are twice as likely to be crime victims than non-gang members and are more frequently subject to simple assault, aggravated assault and drive by shootings, according to a recently study by the Crime Victims' ...

Former extremists, victims launch social network

Reformed one-time violent extremists and their victims on Wednesday launched a social network to halt the radicalization of youth and combat gang culture -- with the backing of Internet giant Google.

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