Fermi Telescope probes 'dragons' of the gamma-ray sky

One of the pleasures of perusing ancient maps is locating regions so poorly explored that mapmakers warned of dragons and sea monsters. Now, astronomers using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope find themselves in the ...

New ultra-high energy gamma-ray source detected

Using the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), astronomers have performed a search for new high-energy gamma-ray sources. As a result, they have identified a new ultra-high energy gamma-ray source, which received ...

Gamma rays from a dwarf galaxy solve an astronomical puzzle

A glowing blob known as "the cocoon," which appears to be inside one of the enormous gamma-ray emanations from the center of our galaxy dubbed the "Fermi bubbles," has puzzled astronomers since it was discovered in 2012.

Astronomers Find Rare Beast by New Means

(PhysOrg.com) -- For the first time, astronomers have found a supernova explosion with properties similiar to a gamma-ray burst, but without seeing any gamma rays from it. The discovery, using the National Science Foundation's ...

Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew

Spacetime may be less like foamy quantum beer and more like smooth Einsteinian whiskey, according to research led by physicist Robert Nemiroff of Michigan Technological University being presented today at the 221st American ...

The promise of ion beam cancer therapy

For certain kinds of cancer, the most effective therapy does not use x-rays or gamma rays but beams of ions, the electrically charged cores of atoms, including hydrogen ions (protons) and heavier ions such as carbon and neon.

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