First-ever constructed image of a terrestrial gamma-ray flash

Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes occur above some thunderstorms and propagate out into space. These high-energy discharges of photons were only discovered less than 25 years ago when a NASA spacecraft designed to observe cosmic ...

Radioisotope couple for tumor diagnosis and therapy

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in ACS Omega a promising combination of radioisotope-carrying molecules for use in radiotheranostics—a diagnosis and treatment approach based on the combination of medical imaging ...

Gamma-ray blazars in the sky

When the supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies accrete material, they can eject powerful jets of charged particles at speeds approaching that of light. These particles in turn emit radiation across the electromagnetic ...

Resistive plate chambers as neutron detectors

Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are being developed as detectors for neutrons as part of SINE2020. Luís Margato, Andrey Morozov and Alberto Blanco from LIP Coimbra in Portugal have been working on the project. Here is what ...

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