Photovoltaic perovskites can detect neutrons

A simple and cheap device for detecting neutrons has been developed by a team of EPFL researchers and their collaborators. The device, based on a special class of crystalline compounds called perovskites, could be used to ...

It's like a party in the atmosphere

Ever attend a wild party with flashing lights and loud music that snowballs into a dazzling moment worth remembering? That's something like how scientists describe the chain reactions in our atmosphere that lead to lightning. ...

Dawn Finishes Mars Phase

( -- With Mars disappearing in its metaphorical rearview mirror, NASA's Dawn spacecraft's next stop is the asteroid belt and the giant asteroid Vesta. Dawn got as close as 549 kilometers (341 miles) to the Red ...

Dawn gets extra time to explore Vesta

( -- NASA's Dawn mission has received official confirmation that 40 extra days have been added to its exploration of the giant asteroid Vesta, the second most massive object in the main asteroid belt. The mission ...

Dawn craft to depart asteroid for dwarf planet

One asteroid down, one to go. After spending a year gazing at Vesta, NASA's Dawn spacecraft was set to cruise toward the most massive space rock in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter—a voyage that will take nearly ...

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