Electronic searching aid for parents

Just a short call and the "Kidfinder" lets you know where your child is right now via SMS. It can be built into a game console and the locating unit even combines GPS position fixing with GSM tracking. In the best-case scenario, ...

Hardware boosts December video game sales

(AP) -- Americans spent a record $5.53 billion on video games in December, the most money ever in a single month, according to market researcher NPD Group.

Logitech buys video conferencing firm

Switzerland-based Logitech is buying video-conferencing equipment firm LifeSize Communications in a 405-million-dollar deal expected to close next month.

NPD: October video game sales tumble 19 percent

(AP) -- After a slight reprieve in September, U.S. video game retail sales slumped again in October, unable to escape the economic turmoil that's cutting into consumer spending and swelling the ranks of unemployed.

Pioneer of video games, Simon dies at 92

Ralph Baer, a video game pioneer who created both the precursor to "Pong" and the electronic memory game Simon and led the team that developed the first home video game console, has died. He was 92.

At a Glance: Microsoft CEO Ballmer's ups and downs

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced on Friday that he plans to retire from the world's biggest software company after more than 13 years at its helm. Here's a look at the ups and downs of his tenure:

Games ratings losing the battle?

The new classification system for video games, introduced in January this year, is not providing the promised better protection for Australian children, according to Elizabeth Handsley, Professor of Law at Flinders University ...

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