Researchers release systems biology educational game

Researchers at the new Morgridge Institute for Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have released the biomedical research organization's first digital learning game created through collaborations among scientists ...

The new consoles from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony

Microsoft is the last of the three big video game console makers to unveil its latest gaming system. Tuesday's unveiling comes nearly eight years after the Xbox 360 went on sale. It follows last fall's debut of Nintendo's ...

Virtual training for real combat

I zipped up the flak jacket, put on an Army helmet and snapped a pair of goggles over my eyes.

QFO Labs wants to send palm-sized copters out to play

(—A Minnesota-based trio running a company called QFO Labs, with the focus on "high tech gaming concepts," will be the first to assure that their game idea can in no way be confused with the mall variety of remote-controlled ...

New video game consoles face changed landscape

The last time Sony and Microsoft came out with new video game consoles, there was no iPad, the iPhone was months away and "FarmVille" and "Angry Birds" had yet to be conjured up.

When the playroom is the computer

For all the work that's gone into developing educational media, even the most stimulating TV shows and video games leave kids stationary. Researchers at the MIT Media Laboratory are hoping to change that with a system called ...

'Shoot-'em-up' video game increases teenagers' science knowledge

While navigating the microscopic world of immune system proteins and cells to save a patient suffering from a raging bacterial infection, young teenage players of the "Immune Attack" video game measurably improved their understanding ...

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