Software enables avatar to reproduce our emotions in real time

(—You move, he moves. You smile, he smiles. You get angry, he gets angry. "He" is the avator you chose. Faceshift, from EPFL's Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory, now offers a software program that could ...

Immersive game showcases new Internet Explorer

Microsoft teased the release of the next generation of Internet Explorer by unveiling an online game crafted to show that websites can be as richly playful as "apps."

Apple brings iPad features to the Mac

Apple released a preview version of its new Macintosh operating system on Thursday, bringing some features of the iPad to the personal computer.

Review: Super Bowl online decent, won't replace TV

(AP) -- The television set won't be the only place to watch video of the New York Giants and the New England Patriots this Sunday. For the first time, U.S. football fans will be able to watch the Super Bowl live on a computer ...

Apple's got its eye on mobile games

In the eye of the typical beholder, Apple's iPhone is simply a popular device, great for fun, on-the-go applications-and phone calls.

Android phones to pit vampires against slayers

Facial recognition startup Viewdle on Wednesday began letting Android smartphone users see which of the people around them are vampires and which are vampire slayers.

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