Adobe fans mobile gadget game flames

Adobe released a free tool kit to make it easier for developers to create Flash-based games to ride the growing wave of playing on smartphones, tablets, and in Internet browsers.

Software enables avatar to reproduce our emotions in real time

(—You move, he moves. You smile, he smiles. You get angry, he gets angry. "He" is the avator you chose. Faceshift, from EPFL's Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory, now offers a software program that could ...

Sony redo of PlayStation Store links games, movies

(AP)—Sony Corp. is revamping its PlayStation Store as it prepares a common storefront across devices from its game console to its Web-connected TVs, Blu-ray players and phones.

Immersive game showcases new Internet Explorer

Microsoft teased the release of the next generation of Internet Explorer by unveiling an online game crafted to show that websites can be as richly playful as "apps."

Mini-camera with maxi-brainpower

Torrential rapids, plunging mud holes and soaring hurdles: in the outdoor competitions at the Olympic Games, athletes pushed themselves to the limit. But it's hard to depict this in pictures alone. This is why researchers ...

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