Oak trees have a lot of gall

Those valley oak trees (Quercus lobata) in California's Central Valley have a lot of gall.

Wasps wage war on behalf of wiliwili trees

A black, two-millimeter-long wasp from East Africa is helping wage war on one of its own kind—the Erythrina gall wasp, an invasive species that's decimated Hawaii's endemic wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis) and introduced ...

Study reveals disease-causing parasites in dead otters

Research undertaken by the Cardiff University Otter Project has revealed a number of disease-causing parasites in the bodies of dead otters. The findings were revealed at the BBC Summer of Wildlife event held at the National ...

Bears at risk due to mining, poaching: wildlife group

The populations of four vulnerable bear species have fallen by at least 30 percent in the last 30 years due to rampant deforestation, mining and poaching, a conservation group said on Monday.

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