Love vine sucks life from wasps, leaving only mummies

Early this spring, Rice University evolutionary biologist Scott Egan stood in a patch of live oak scrub habitat in South Florida and scanned the trees for something he'd never seen outside his lab—a wispy, orange vine twining ...

Oak trees have a lot of gall

Those valley oak trees (Quercus lobata) in California's Central Valley have a lot of gall.

Climate change leads to invasive insect expansion on US West Coast

Climate change has led to warming temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, leading some insect species to expand their range into more northerly oak savannas, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University ...

Gall fly outmaneuvers host plant in game of "Spy vs. Spy"

Over time goldenrod plants and the gall flies that feed on them have been one-upping each other in an ongoing competition for survival. Now, a team of researchers has discovered that by detecting the plants' chemical defenses, ...

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