How many planets could be in the Kuiper Belt?

A recent study published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters investigates the potential existence of Mars-sized free-floating planets (FFPs)—also known as rogue planets, starless planets, and wandering planets—that could ...

New ultra-short period binary discovered

Using the Tsinghua University–Ma Huateng Telescopes for Survey (TMTS), an international team of astronomers has discovered a new binary known as TMTS J052610.43+593445.1. The newfound system is an ultrashort-orbital-period ...

Hubble captures throng of spiral galaxies

This Hubble Picture of the Week features a richness of spiral galaxies: the large, prominent spiral galaxy on the right side of the image is NGC 1356; the two apparently smaller spiral galaxies flanking it are LEDA 467699 ...

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