A primordial dark matter galaxy found without stars

There's a galaxy out there without apparent stars but largely chock full of dark matter. What's that you say? A galaxy without stars? Isn't that an impossibility? Not necessarily, according to the astronomers who found it ...

Image: Hubble captures a monster merger

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features Arp 122, a peculiar galaxy that in fact comprises two galaxies—NGC 6040, the tilted, warped spiral galaxy and LEDA 59642, the round, face-on spiral—that are in the midst ...

Astronomers find spark of star birth across billions of years

Astronomers have completed the largest and most detailed study of what triggers stars to form in the universe's biggest galaxies, using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes. They were surprised to find that ...

New paper explores four nearby fast radio burst sources

Fleeting blasts of energy from space, known as fast radio bursts (FRBs), are a cosmic enigma. A Canadian-led international team of researchers has published new findings suggesting that supernovae are the predominant contributors ...

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