Giffords: A poignant presence, but out of view

(AP) -- It's a sight many Americans would surely love to see: a recovering Rep. Gabrielle Giffords watching as her astronaut husband blasts off into space.

Kelly: Giffords cleared to attend shuttle launch

(AP) -- NASA astronaut Mark Kelly says doctors have given his wife, Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, approval to travel to Cape Canaveral this week to watch him fly into space Friday on the next-to-last shuttle ...

White House: First family to attend shuttle launch

(AP) -- President Barack Obama and his family will attend next week's launch of Endeavour, NASA's next-to-last space shuttle flight commanded by the husband of critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Giffords' astronaut husband awaiting doctors' OK

(AP) -- Space shuttle commander Mark Kelly is still awaiting doctors' final OK on whether his congresswoman wife can attend his launch in just under three weeks.

NASA chief: Giffords welcome at husband's launch

(AP) -- NASA's chief says it would be tremendous for the space shuttle crew and the nation if Rep. Gabrielle Giffords can watch her astronaut husband launch from Cape Canaveral in April.

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