Back-to-the-future process yields 'miracle wood'

A back-to-the-future technology, first used more than 100 years ago, has put a new form of wood on the market – a veritable "miracle wood" that resists the moisture-induced bowing, swelling, cupping, shrinking and cracking ...

Discord strikes the right quantum note

( -- Scientists have taken a quantum leap forward towards future computing after discovering that ‘background interference’ in quantum-level measurements, may be the very thing they need to unlock the potential ...

'Metamaterials,' quantum dots show promise for new technologies

( -- Researchers are edging toward the creation of new optical technologies using "nanostructured metamaterials" capable of ultra-efficient transmission of light, with potential applications including advanced solar ...

Graphene mixer can speed up future electronics

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) have for the first time demonstrated a novel subharmonic graphene FET mixer at microwave frequencies. The mixer provides new opportunities in future electronics, as ...

The growth of 'green IT'

( -- Emerging field helps create a more sustainable future, though information technology itself is part of the problem.

Microsoft, Google in battle to win over students

As they plunged into a project on ancient Egypt this fall, Jay Martino's Cupertino (Calif.) Middle School students probably didn't realize they were on the front lines of a high stakes battle between Google and Microsoft.

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