Discovery aids in fight against antifungal drug resistance

A University of Otago, New Zealand, research breakthrough from the Sir John Walsh Research Institute is helping pave the way for novel antifungal drugs designed to overcome the world-wide problem of growing resistance to ...

Technique is safer, faster way to diagnose horse eye problems

( —Horses face high risks of developing eye problems, and Cornell clinicians have developed a new way to detect and diagnose them more safely and quickly than before. Published online in January in the journal ...

Converting recycled plastics into disease-fighting nanofibers

Researchers from IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have made a nanomedicine breakthrough in which they converted common plastic materials like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into non-toxic and biocompatible ...

Protecting our pollinators

Bees, so crucial to our food supply, are dying off at alarming rates. CALS researchers are taking a close look at everything from the microbes in their hives to the landscapes they live in to identify in what conditions bees ...

A feline fungus joins the new species list

( —A new species of fungus that causes life-threatening infections in humans and cats has been discovered by a University of Sydney researcher.

Strawberry fields forever and fungus-free

( —Strawberries are one of the most economically important berry crops in the world, and a high value export crop for the Australian horticultural industry.For the first time, researchers at The University of Western ...

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