How racism contributes to 'a very ivory tower'

Blacks, Hispanics and other racial and ethnic minorities are not only underrepresented in science, they are also less likely to receive research funding or get published as often as white scientists, which can result in fewer ...

Study finds dangerous mercury levels in Amazon fish

Nearly one-third of the fish in the Brazilian Amazon state of Amapa have such high levels of mercury caused by illegal mining that they are dangerous for human consumption, according to a new study.

Routine gas flaring is wasteful, polluting and undermeasured

If you've driven through an area where companies extract oil and gas from shale formations, you've probably seen flames dancing at the tops of vertical pipes. That's flaring—the mostly uncontrolled practice of burning off ...

What will COVID-19 look like to geologists in the far future?

COVID-19 is a major global shock that has turned our lives upside down, but how does it measure up on the grand billion-year scale of Earth history? The answer puts our human dramas in the largest perspective—and may yet ...

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