A right to water

Access to drinking water is a fundamental human right, argues research published in the International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies. Jarosław Kowalski of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, in Lublin, ...

San Francisco ban highlights facial recognition fears

A ban on facial recognition for law enforcement in San Francisco highlights growing public concerns about technology which is seeing stunning growth for an array of applications while provoking worries over privacy.

Digital age 'desperately' needs ethical and legal guidelines

Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics, 'desperately' need an institutional framework and system of values to help regulate the industry, an ethics expert has told leading scientists and policymakers.

India's top court says privacy is a fundamental right

India's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that citizens have a constitutional right to privacy, a landmark verdict that could have wide-reaching implications for the government's biometric programme which holds data on over one ...

Desalination plant to be built in Gaza

The European Union and UNICEF launched a project Thursday to build a desalination plant in the Gaza Strip to provide 75,000 Palestinians with drinking water.

Chimp lawsuit falters in US courts

Three US judges have rejected lawsuits demanding that chimpanzees be recognized as people with fundamental rights, an animal charity said Tuesday.

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